The Consumer Product Safety Commission in the
United States continues to monitor
children's crayons to make sure they are safe. Recall
notices have been issued for crayons that have been tested and
shown to contain lead and pose a
threat of lead poisoning for children. "Lead
has long been recognized as a hazardous substance, especially to
young children, infants, and fetuses. Lead poisoning can cause
irreversible brain damage and can impair mental functioning. It
can retard mental and physical development and reduce attention
span." A
warning issued by the CPSC advised to "Buy only crayons and
other children's art materials that have this label:
"Conforms to ASTM D-4236" (or similar words) which means
that a toxicologist has reviewed the formula of the art material
for chronic hazards". However, the CPSC has also found
that some products containing this label did in fact contain
levels of lead and has pledged to continue monitoring these
products as well as working with U.S. Customs to seize
non-ASTM-labeled crayons. Concerns have also been raised
about crayons that contain small amounts of asbestos, talc and "transitional"
fiber, which is similar in appearance to asbestos fiber.
Major crayon manufacturers have been asked to reformulate crayons
to remove these ingredients from crayons. In
recent years a
number of crayon products produced in China have been recalled by
the CPSC as a result of high levels of lead, with "enough
lead to present a lead poisoning hazard to young children who
might eat or chew on the crayons". Yellow and orange
crayons presented the highest levels during
testing. Parents are urged to
throw out all crayons that are not labeled and only buy only
crayons and other children's art materials that have this
label: "Conforms to ASTM D-4236," or similar
words. This label means that the crayons and other art
materials have been reviewed by a toxicologist for chronic
hazards and are labeled appropriately. No art materials
lacking the conformance label or bearing hazard labeling
should be given to young children. For
crayon product recalls and more information visit For
more information go to Safety tips for Buying Safe Toys and Using Toys Safely
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