Whatever type of vacation your family
may decide to embark on, try to make every holiday an
adventure. The tips offered on this page can be used
year round for every type of
Travelling with Teenagers brings a whole
new aspect to the Family Vacation. Here are some
tips to keep in mind when planning a holiday with teens
and for making your vacation an enjoyable experience for
all members of the family.
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Communication is key to helping all
members of the family enjoy a vacation. Take the
time to LISTEN to their concerns without minimizing
them. If the family vacation is a yearly or
regular experience for your family, planning and
expectations will follow a natural progression that
allows for the changes taking place as your child grows
into a teenager. Here are some suggestions to help
improve communication with your teenager:
Take the time to know your
teenager. What they like to do, eat and how they
react to situations. Being able to gage their
moods can help to avoid confrontations on vacation that
will affect the whole family. Nobody wants to be
unhappy on a holiday.
Just as with younger
children, sometimes as parents we need to adjust daily
plans and be flexible to accommodate our children.
Parents occasionally forget that their teenagers, while
seeming grown up, still want mom or dad to pay attention
to them too.
Explain to your teenager what you, as
parents expect from them and ask them what they would
like from you.
Think like a teenager and keep an open mind.
Set ground rules for curfews and discuss
safety concerns that will allow for some independence
while still providing limitations.
Pick your battles - in other words - try
not to sweat the small stuff while maintaining
limits and control over the big stuff.
Teenagers need to feel like adults -
treat them as such with compromises. Explain WHY
as part of your decisions instead of just "BECAUSE
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When you begin planning a family
vacation with teenagers, take the time to talk and
LISTEN to their wants and needs. Ask them to do the
same. Taking the time to do this in a calm,
controlled, quiet environment will go a long way in
helping to decide what to do and where to go on that
Giving them a say in the decision
process reduces the feeling of lack of control that
teenagers typically struggle with as they mature.
Some other suggestions include:
When Planning the vacation, get as much
information as you can. Provide your teenager with
brochures on the hotel/resort, local attractions, area
maps. Knowledge goes a long way to alleviating
fears of the unknown.
Consider taking a friend along.
Talk to your teenager about this to discuss arrangements. Consider this
carefully as it will add a different dimension to your
holiday and added responsibility. Ensure that you have the proper
documentation for the friend you are bringing
along. Discuss the financial and travel arrangements with the
friend's parents.
Plan some activities
that are geared towards teenagers see Tips on Enjoying Live Theatre with Children
For Grandparents taking teens see
Tips on Travelling With Grandchildren
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Having your teenager feel a part of the
whole experience of a family vacation means getting them
involved. Different ways to involve your teen might be
Let your teenager do their own
packing. Make sure they take some comfortable
shoes, clothes, something to entertain them, but Put
them in Charge.
Have them go out and buy something
special to take along, maybe a book, cd or tape, or a
special item of clothing that they have had an eye on.
If the vacation is during the school
year, talk to their teacher about taking some work with
them or keeping a journal as an assignment. While
your teen may not be thrilled about this, a vacation
during school time can also be a great learning
experience. A camera can also be fun for a teen to
record their holiday, take pictures of friends they may
meet and places they go to show their friends back home.
Consider adjoining rooms - this provides
privacy for both teens and parents - especially if
friends are coming along.
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Ready to go - getting there is half the fun,
lets hope so- try these tips:
Consider getting a personal DVD Player for movies, cds
and dvds.
If you are travelling by car take turns
listening to the radio - try some new stations just for
Go to Car Travel Tips
and Travel Games for more
ideas and travel tips.
Have everyone, including teens wear
comfortable clothes.
Being well fed and
having plenty of fluid
available makes any traveller more relaxed, including teens.
Provide a map - let them keep track of where
you are, how many miles to go, how many you have already
travelled - keep a log.
Take the time to have a family
conversation. Talk about other family trips and relive
some family experiences.
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Well, you have arrived at your
destination. These tips are designed to offer some
freedom and independence to your teen while still keeping
safety in mind:
When you check in,
get a separate key for your teenager. This
allows a feeling of independence, but set some ground
rules, for example - no strangers in the room, trying not
to lose the key, etc.
Give them a layout of
the hotel/resort and discuss where they can and can't
go. Insist that they tell you where they are
going, set and follow through on curfews and which
activities they can participate in.
Go over safety
concerns - see TRAVEL SAFETY TIPS
for more information. Be aware of area
locations, resort boundaries - Do teens have to stay
on hotel property or can they do some daytime
Consider a darkness rule - an example may be
that teens must check in at dusk or set a time and
location to meet. Teach them to avoid secluded areas,
beach and other areas at night. Remind them not
to go anywhere with strangers. Extra discussions
may be given to girls about this.
Use the
buddy system. This is where bringing a friend
comes in handy.
Let them choose some restaurants or let
them dine with friend they brought along or have met,
on their own.
Independence with limits works well with
teens. Respect them, take turns with family
activities and plan them together.
Provide some
financial independence as well - set a budget for them
to follow.
Offer choices in activities and provide
positive feedback when teens work with family
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matter how good the communication is between parents and their
teens, a conflict may arise some where along the way
during your family vacation. Here are some tips to
remember that may help resolve a conflict without too much stress
and hard feelings:
and maintain a calm demeanor when conflicts occur.
conscious of your teens feelings and explain your feelings
in a rational manner.
is a major concern for teens. Use discretion when
difficulties occur. Use this to your advantage
too. Show them that you are trying to take their
concerns into account but that their behaviour may be
embarrassing you as well.
the problem solving in their court. If they want to
do something that conflicts with your plans or raises
safety concerns, see if they
can find a reasonable solution.
everyone needs a time out - Agree to disagree.
Suggest that maybe the matter be discussed at a later time
when everyone has had a chance to chill-out and think
about the problem.
the conflict needs to be settled in private. Suggest
this as a way of diverting the tension.
works well with younger children, try it with your
teenager too.
your teen that you can be reasonable goes a long way in
teaching them how to be the same.
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All Tips are offered as suggestions only
While we have tried to provide you with
a list of suggestions to help parents when travelling with
children to keep them safe, unfortunately, we can’t
think of everything and it is the responsibility of
parents to ensure their children’s safety.
For Tips on Taking a Dude Ranch Vacation Click on
For Tips on Travelling with Grandchildren Click Below:
For travel news on destinations and more that may interest teens
Click Below:
The Dangers of
All-Terrain Vehicles and Safety Tips from National Safe Kids.
Walt Disney World for Teens, Orlando, Florida
To view Travel News about Hotels and
Resorts Click Below:
view Travel News about Family Attractions Click Below:
view Travel News about Ski Resorts Click Below:
To view Travel News about Destinations
Click Below:
See the following sections for specific tips:
For All-inclusive
Vacation Tips Click Below:
For Car Travel Tips Click
For Air Travel Tips Click
For Train Travel Tips
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For Spring Car Care Tips Click
For Travel Tips - Children with
Severe Allergies Click on
For Tips on Buying
Toys Click Below:
For Amusement Park Tips Click Below
For Tips on Eating out with Children Click
For Tips on Who and What to Tip Click Below:
For Tips on Enjoying Live Theatre with Children
Click Below:
Games to Play while travelling, Click Below
For Winter - Ski
Holiday Tips Click on
For Motion Sickness Tips
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For Tips on Taking Pictures Click Below:
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